Polypropylene (PP) Food Containers

Polypropylene (PP) is one of the most commonly used plastics for manufacturing food containers due to its durability, versatility, and relative safety for food storage. This plastic material is widely used in takeout containers, food packaging, and reusable storage solutions.

What is Polypropylene (PP)?

Polypropylene (PP) is a thermoplastic polymer made from propylene monomers. It is a white, rigid material that is known for its excellent chemical resistance, high melting point, and durability. PP is often used for both rigid and flexible containers and can be molded into a variety of shapes and sizes, making it a versatile choice for food packaging.

Key Features of PP Food Containers


PP containers are known for their high durability, making them suitable for both short-term and long-term food storage. They are resistant to cracking, breaking, and warping, even when exposed to hot or cold temperatures.


*Heat Resistance:

One of the most significant advantages of PP is its ability to withstand heat. It has a higher melting point than many other plastics, making it microwave-safe and suitable for storing hot foods.


*Chemical Resistance:

PP is resistant to acids, bases, and oils, making it an ideal material for packaging foods that contain such substances, including sauces, oils, and acidic foods.







  1. 耐用性:PP容器以其高耐用性而著稱,適合用於短期和長期的食品儲存。即使在高溫或低溫的環境下,也能抵抗裂縫、破損和變形。
  2. 耐熱性:PP的最大優勢之一是其能承受高溫。與許多其他塑膠相比,它擁有較高的熔點,使其能夠在微波爐中加熱且適合儲存熱食品。
  3. 耐化學性:PP能抵抗酸、鹼和油脂,這使其成為包裝含有此類物質的食品(例如醬料、油脂和酸性食物)的理想材料。
